Sunday, December 5, 2010

Give Importance to Search Engine Optimization

Making money online is becoming an increasingly popular routine thanks to the many Internet marketing experts that help ordinary people get started with their own website and online business. Compared to marketing in the real world, the learning curve is not too steep and you should be able to nail the basics after doing some online research.

However, that should not stop you from learning some of essentials in making money through marketing such as search engine optimization or SEO. Getting familiar with Seo isn't something that is very hard.

First off, search engine optimization only works if you have some content on your site. Your website must contain lots of text because search engines only crawl through text.

Because of this, your site must have different content not only for search engines but also for your own readers. Don't put random content that does not make any sense because your readers that find your website through the search engines may dismiss your site as a spam site. If your home page needs to make a strong impression with graphics, you can always put the rich content on other pages.

Once your site is properly set up with some interesting content, your task will now shift to refining the content. This part can be tricky because you need to add certain keyword phrases and scatter them throughout the article without degrading the quality of your content.

To make things easier, make a list of keyword phrases that best fit your site. Figure out what you expect your visitors to type in their favorite search engine so that they can reach your site. Type the keywords yourself to learn how compettive the results are. Choosing the keyword phrases that do not have much competition are the best way to go. If you find this process tedious, you can try a keyword tool such as the one provided by Google.

Once you picked around three to five unique phrases, start doing minimal edits by substituting phrases with the keyword phrases so the sentences still make sense. A good keyword setup is to have the keyword in the beginning paragraph and somewhere in the end. You may want to use the keyword phrase more often if you are working with a larger article.

When you read your optimized article and see that it still makes sence, you achieved to possess the basic knowledge of seo. The results will not be instant though and the best thing that you can do is to continue adding new content while using the same keyword phrases that you picked. To boost your website rank, you may think o use other online advertising methods so you get even more traffic. Keep your site updated regularly so your visitors can come back and possibly bookmark or subscribe to your site.


For more search engine optimization content, please visit this blog:

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