Thursday, August 26, 2010

The real secret of power is your consciousness of power. Charles Haanel

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Keys To Success: Setting Goals

Setting goals should be one of the priorities in our lives if we want to reach a certain destination. It is surprising to me how most people spend more time planning a weekend or vacation than they spend planning their lives.

It has been proven over and over again that those that set and write goals are 1,000 times more likely to achieve their goals than those that don't. When you sit down with the purpose of writing a goal or goals, you are already ahead of 98% of the population. Successful people know exactly what they want and make plans on how to achieve what they want.

But, why take the time to set goals? Wouldn't it be more productive to just get started? Setting goals for any or all areas of your life is extremely important if you have any dreams or desires at all and here's why:

1.Setting goals empowers you over your life. You are the one at the helm giving your ship direction to where you want to go.

2.Setting goals give you a sense of moving forward. The reason why many people feel stuck in their lives is because they don't know what they want and don't know how to get it. When you achieve a goal, you know you are a step closer to where you want to be.

3.Setting goals is motivating! When you sit down to set goals, you force yourself to think of what you really want, to dream, to do some soul searching, to decide. And, as I mentioned in point #2, achieving a goal, getting closer to where you want to go is very motivating and exciting.

4.Setting goals help you focus on your desires and clear your mind from the clutter and noise from your daily routine. Set goals help you prioritize your activities to those that will get you there faster.

If it's so important then, why don't people take the time to set goals?

Again, there are many reasons why more people don't develop this very important habit.

Many people simply don't know how important it is. They are unaware that they are living adrift, at the mercy of internal believes and/or external circumstances because they failed to plan. When life doesn't go the way they wished for, they blame everyone and everything, unwilling or unable to see that they are the only ones responsible for the events in their lives.

Others may know how important it is to set goals but they don't have the motivation, the drive to sit and think about what they want. They are not serious about what they want, and lack vision.

Other people just may not know how to set goals. It is a shame that our education system does not address this very important skill to succeed in life. This will be addressed in the next series for those that do have the desire and the vision, do know how important it is to set goals and are serious but simply do not know how to set goals.

Many others may have fear of failure. What if I set a goal and don't reach it? Relax. Nothing is written in stone. Failure does not exist. If you have set a goal that at this time seems to be too difficult to reach, review the goal, break it down into smaller steps and try again. Failure is a detour, not a dead end street ~ Zig Ziglar.

Some may be afraid that if they set a goal, that implies that they have to set it into action. This means that they would be accountable for their actions, they no longer would have any excuse or anyone to blame for their failure than themselves. And that's what they are used to, they have worked hard at this all  their lives.

When you are setting goals, make sure that you set long term, mid term and short term goals. Begin with your long term goal and work your way back. Your long term goal should be much greater than your current level is, make it big, exciting! Your long term goal should make you smile just thinking of it because it's based on your core desires.

Your goals should be specific and most importantly, you must believe that you can achieve them. Otherwise, you will quit at the first adversity that occurs, and they will, I guarantee you that. But if you believe in your goal, you will not waiver, because your goals help you keep your focus.

Next time, I will go into more detail about how to set goals.

Until then, I wish you success!

Diana Samalot is mother to twin girls, writer, entrepreneur, internet marketer and success coach. She can help you market your online or brick and mortar business with a proven system, training and world class support. To find out if you qualify to become part of her team of entrepreneurs and possibly a millionaire, go to »»»»

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Keys To Success Series

Welcome to The Keys To Success Series! The purpose of The Keys To Success series is to serve as a guide to help you become more successful in your entrepreneurial efforts. Notice, however, that many of the keys can be applied to other areas of your life  as well such as relationships, career, family, health and fitness, etc. Each article will talk about a particular key area necessary for success, for example: goal setting, belief system, the right attitude for success and more.

The first Key To Success is to have an open mind. You must clear your mind of all previous knowledge and believes that you’ve had up to now. Why? Look at your life now. You are reading this article because you feel you’re lacking success in your business, right? Or maybe you feel you could achieve a higher level of success than you are experiencing right now. Regardless of the specific reason, you are not satisfied with where you are now or you wouldn’t be reading this article right now, correct?

To clear your mind will be one of the most important keys to your success, if not the most important thing you can do. You need to be ready to think differently than what you have so far to produce different results than what you’ve had up until now. If you keep doing what you’ve been doing so far, how can you expect different results? It is your previous thinking and actions (or lack of action) that has brought you to where you are now, hasn’t it? Are you beginning to see the connection?

This was Einstein’s definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

You also have to clear your mind from what other people has said you could or couldn’t do. This includes parents, other family members,  friends, society, the government including the school system. Family members and friends are well intentioned and they want to protect you from pain or failure. However, do they have the level of success that you desire?  Why, then, would you   listen to them? These people or entities want to maintain the status quo, sometimes they feel threatened that you might actually succeed and that would make them feel inferior or inadequate. In reality, they are usually afraid of change, the unknown. Do you want to continue being part of the masses? Then continue doing the same thing you’ve been doing. It’s easier and comfortable, right? I don’t mean to sound harsh or rude but it is that simple. If you think and act like everyone else does, then you’ll have what everyone else has too.

Where would we be if the Wright brothers would have accepted the thinking of the time that man was not meant to fly? Or if Christopher Columbus would not have thought outside the box and believed that the Earth was flat?

Find someone that have what you desire and copy what this person does or did. Be open to what this person did or does, listen, and be coachable. Many people say that they are coachable and claim that they understand and know what to do, but when it comes down to changing what they have been doing, they are reluctant and find many excuses as to why they can’t do this or that.

It is your choice. Understand that to live differently, you have to think differently. Thought precedes action. This is the reason why I chose this to be the first Key To Success in this series of articles. Because if you don’t open your mind to what I have to say, you will continue being part of the masses. Continue watching lousy TV at night, playing the lotto, changing jobs lying to yourself that this is a better opportunity but really, you’re still being a slave to a paycheck, and dreaming of being rich.

You are master of your life, you decide.