When you search for ways to make money online you will come across opportunities in affiliate marketing and network marketing. If you are not sure how these two business models work you will enjoy this article on understanding the differences between both of them.
The main difference between network marketing and affiliate marketing lies in building a downline of distributors. As an affiliate marketer you will primarily make your money selling products or performing a specific action for an affiliate merchant. This could include getting paid by a click or by the lead.
Some affiliate marketing programs have a 2 tier feature. This means that you can also make money on the sales of anybody you personally recruit. However you will not make any money on people that they recruit.
You cannot build a downline of affiliate marketers that you make money on. If building a large organization is something that appeals to you then you want to look at the network marketing business model.
In network marketing you get paid to sell products. You also make money as products move through your downline.
This not only includes people that you personally sponsor, but it includes your downline distributors which can go several levels deep. Exactly how many people you earn money on will vary from one MLM company to the next.
Each one has its own compensation plan. However many network marketing companies also pay you a bonus on the overall volume of the entire company.
This is a great feature becomes as the company grows you get to share in the profits. This does not happen with an affiliate marketing company.
With an affiliate marketing company you can make very high commissions on products you sell. This is especially true if you are selling digital information products.
Some of theses products will pay you as high as 75% in commissions. You can find thousands of them to sell at affiliate networks such as ClickBank.
Affiliate programs are free to join. Therefore they tend to draw thousands of people into them who never do anything with their business.
Network marketing programs require a fee to get started. Therefore you will not have as many people join them.
However, the amount of money it takes to join an MLM company is generally pretty low, so you still have a large number of people who will join and then again not do anything with their business.
One final point to bring up is with network marketing you can generate a residual income. This means you continue to get paid long after you stop working. That is virtually impossible to do with the affiliate marketing business model.
Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his make money online website for his top pick on the #1 network marketing business, JV With Jeff free internet marketing training, and 4 ways to make $10 a day taking paid surveys. http://www.Team-Schuman.com
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Why You Are Not Getting Traffic From Your Articles
Not getting traffic from an article comes down to several things. Believe it or not the problem is not always from the article itself, but that is a good place to start looking at.
1. A poorly written article title. If you do not get read you are dead. The title is what draws your reader to your article.
How do you write a good title? Start by looking at articles online that have titles that catch your eye.
Go to EzineArticles.com and scan articles in the category you are writing about. Keep a swipe file of good titles you can go back and look at to write better titles for your articles.
2. Your article is not very good. Writing is a skill that you can improve on by doing more of it. Make sure you do not have grammar and spelling errors.
Then work at improving your content. If you write articles on interesting topics people will read them.
3. A well written resource box. Think of this as a short classified ad on yourself or your product. Give specific directions on what you want your read to do. Again go to EzineArticles.com and look at the Expert Authors to get ideas on how to write a good resource box.
4. Submitting to the wrong places. At the very least submit to the top 3-5 article directories. Here is a good list of the Top 50. If you get your articles in as many of these as possible your traffic will increase. http://www.vretoolbar.com/articles/directories.php
5. Not enough articles online. If you write one article and do not get traffic that is called a clue! If you write 10 and get a few visitors that is another clue.
Think big and start writing and submitting like crazy. Go for 10-20 a day if you have time. If not consider outsourcing some of your writing. As your articles are archived online they can continue to bring you traffic for many years to come.
6. Use a submission service. I am a big fan of Submit Your Article. They make submitting very easy and you can create unique version of your articles so the search engines like them.
I recently saw a post in a discussion forum where the person was complaining about not getting any traffic from the 10 articles they had written and submitted. Do you know that EzineArticles.com has had over 1 million articles submitted to it? And this is only 1 online article directory.
You need to wrap your head around the idea that the World Wide Web is BIG! 10 articles online is like having a restaurant open at 6:00 A.M and closing at 6:01 A.M. and then wondering why you do not have any customers.
You are going to need a lot more articles online than 10. Hopefully this article will help you understand why you are not getting enough traffic from your articles.
If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman please visit his take paid surveys website today. Join JV With Jeff for free and recieve tips on how to make money online without any experience or website of your own. http://www.Team-Schuman.com
1. A poorly written article title. If you do not get read you are dead. The title is what draws your reader to your article.
How do you write a good title? Start by looking at articles online that have titles that catch your eye.
Go to EzineArticles.com and scan articles in the category you are writing about. Keep a swipe file of good titles you can go back and look at to write better titles for your articles.
2. Your article is not very good. Writing is a skill that you can improve on by doing more of it. Make sure you do not have grammar and spelling errors.
Then work at improving your content. If you write articles on interesting topics people will read them.
3. A well written resource box. Think of this as a short classified ad on yourself or your product. Give specific directions on what you want your read to do. Again go to EzineArticles.com and look at the Expert Authors to get ideas on how to write a good resource box.
4. Submitting to the wrong places. At the very least submit to the top 3-5 article directories. Here is a good list of the Top 50. If you get your articles in as many of these as possible your traffic will increase. http://www.vretoolbar.com/articles/directories.php
5. Not enough articles online. If you write one article and do not get traffic that is called a clue! If you write 10 and get a few visitors that is another clue.
Think big and start writing and submitting like crazy. Go for 10-20 a day if you have time. If not consider outsourcing some of your writing. As your articles are archived online they can continue to bring you traffic for many years to come.
6. Use a submission service. I am a big fan of Submit Your Article. They make submitting very easy and you can create unique version of your articles so the search engines like them.
I recently saw a post in a discussion forum where the person was complaining about not getting any traffic from the 10 articles they had written and submitted. Do you know that EzineArticles.com has had over 1 million articles submitted to it? And this is only 1 online article directory.
You need to wrap your head around the idea that the World Wide Web is BIG! 10 articles online is like having a restaurant open at 6:00 A.M and closing at 6:01 A.M. and then wondering why you do not have any customers.
You are going to need a lot more articles online than 10. Hopefully this article will help you understand why you are not getting enough traffic from your articles.
If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman please visit his take paid surveys website today. Join JV With Jeff for free and recieve tips on how to make money online without any experience or website of your own. http://www.Team-Schuman.com
Potts/Samalot Synchronzed Christmas Lights 2010
Our first Synchronized Christmas Light Show! It took months to get everything together but it was worth it.
I hope you enjoy!
I hope you enjoy!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Network Marketing: How To Advertise Outside The Box
When it comes to network marketing, we have one aim and one aim only-to get leads. A limited amount of leads simply means a limited amount of prospects for our business which in return, can affect our business’ ability overall to accumulate money. The main misconception many business owners make is that they believe that money can only come from one place, and so opt to advertise in a specific, tried and tested manner. However, by advertising outside the box and utilizing the many factors within network marketing, you too could witness an optimized level of leads-and sales.
Network marketing is a lucrative business and it is due to this that there are a number of different advertising methods that have been introduced in an attempt to effectively advertise a business. The most effective platform when it comes to advertising for your business is to realize the potential which comes from using the internet. Network marketing can be extremely effective if you opt to use the vast majority of resources that can advertise your business for free. However, the most important factor to take into consideration is to strategically use the free resources that will provide the highest amount of advertisement exposure for an increased level of financial gain.
Many businesses have realized the huge sale potential that stems from using the internet to their full advantage. The internet is the most effective method in which to advertise products and services but the main reason why so many network marketers fail to get their business off the ground is that they simply do not know how to effectively advertise what they can offer. Your product is the focus of you entire business so it is essential that you have a product that is in demand or is able to accumulate money. In the initial stages of generating leads and sales, many novice network marketers also make the mistake of turning to their friends and family to join their program or purchase goods from them. Although this is a good way in which to get the ball rolling so to speak, if they are not knowledgeable in business, this could simply be a waste of your time. You need to focus your advertising and promotion on those who are business savvy and are aware of the potential of network marketing.
Once you are aware of your targeted market, it is time to launch your online marketing campaign. The internet is one of the most powerful advertising tools around and what’s more, many online advertising methods are absolutely free! Some business owners make the mistake of assuming that free methods of advertising may be effective over time, but that in order to make money, they need to spend money. This is true in some sense as many network marketers have witnessed a huge amount of interest from launching their own website. Your website should be full of content, keyword optimized for a high page rank and most importantly-clearly display what the purpose of your business is. Your website should act as a non-physical salesman and so its design, layout and presentation are crucial. Once you have your website in place, you can then link it with other areas of advertising on the internet in order to increase your link building and traffic.
Article marketing is a great way in which to advertise your business for free. By drafting information, promotional articles which relate to your business and adding backlinks to your site, this will act as a form of sales pitch without being too aggressive or overwhelming for the consumer. By adding backlinks to direct the consumer to your site, this can help with your traffic and sales. As your content can be linked to various other sites and posted onto blogs, your own website and so forth, is an effective yet free way in which to advertise your business.
When it comes to advertising outside the box, this can be dependent on the product or service in which you are trying to promote. However, no matter what you may be trying to advertise, this can be effectively done via the web. The internet is the most innovative and effective method of advertising today so by taking a chance and investing in this free form of advertising for your business today, you could soon see the results you have been aiming towards for your business.
Network marketing is a lucrative business and it is due to this that there are a number of different advertising methods that have been introduced in an attempt to effectively advertise a business. The most effective platform when it comes to advertising for your business is to realize the potential which comes from using the internet. Network marketing can be extremely effective if you opt to use the vast majority of resources that can advertise your business for free. However, the most important factor to take into consideration is to strategically use the free resources that will provide the highest amount of advertisement exposure for an increased level of financial gain.
Many businesses have realized the huge sale potential that stems from using the internet to their full advantage. The internet is the most effective method in which to advertise products and services but the main reason why so many network marketers fail to get their business off the ground is that they simply do not know how to effectively advertise what they can offer. Your product is the focus of you entire business so it is essential that you have a product that is in demand or is able to accumulate money. In the initial stages of generating leads and sales, many novice network marketers also make the mistake of turning to their friends and family to join their program or purchase goods from them. Although this is a good way in which to get the ball rolling so to speak, if they are not knowledgeable in business, this could simply be a waste of your time. You need to focus your advertising and promotion on those who are business savvy and are aware of the potential of network marketing.
Once you are aware of your targeted market, it is time to launch your online marketing campaign. The internet is one of the most powerful advertising tools around and what’s more, many online advertising methods are absolutely free! Some business owners make the mistake of assuming that free methods of advertising may be effective over time, but that in order to make money, they need to spend money. This is true in some sense as many network marketers have witnessed a huge amount of interest from launching their own website. Your website should be full of content, keyword optimized for a high page rank and most importantly-clearly display what the purpose of your business is. Your website should act as a non-physical salesman and so its design, layout and presentation are crucial. Once you have your website in place, you can then link it with other areas of advertising on the internet in order to increase your link building and traffic.
Article marketing is a great way in which to advertise your business for free. By drafting information, promotional articles which relate to your business and adding backlinks to your site, this will act as a form of sales pitch without being too aggressive or overwhelming for the consumer. By adding backlinks to direct the consumer to your site, this can help with your traffic and sales. As your content can be linked to various other sites and posted onto blogs, your own website and so forth, is an effective yet free way in which to advertise your business.
When it comes to advertising outside the box, this can be dependent on the product or service in which you are trying to promote. However, no matter what you may be trying to advertise, this can be effectively done via the web. The internet is the most innovative and effective method of advertising today so by taking a chance and investing in this free form of advertising for your business today, you could soon see the results you have been aiming towards for your business.
Friday, November 26, 2010
How To Pick A Blog Topic
Starting up a blog is a great way in which to display our knowledge on a specific niche or topic and ultimately, increase our site's overall traffic. However, when it comes to getting started with blogging, it can be increasingly difficult to pinpoint what our blog should be about. The topic we choose is extremely important as if it is a topic we have simply plucked from the air which we have little knowledge about; this will become apparent to the reader as they begin to read your post. Choosing a topic we are knowledgeable on will not only make our blog useful to the reader, but will also help you relate to your targeted readers.
When it comes to picking your blog topic, it is beneficial to opt for a topic that you are passionate about. If your blog is for pleasure, then you should think about what you are passionate about and what drives you. If your blog is for promotional purposes, you need to identify what your niche is, the knowledge you have regarding your niche and what you feel you can teach others about your industry or expertise. In short, a powerful blog will revolve around a topic which you could talk endlessly about with another individual. An effective blog will be one which has a focus, a drive and appeals to the mainstream. A blog which is used for business purposes may require gaining a higher level of traffic compared to personal blogs, and so your blog must relate to your niche and service in order to receive a high level of traffic.
However, before you put your thoughts and words onto paper so to speak, it is important that you are aware of the reasons as to why people read blogs in the first place. The internet, for many, is a primary source of information and a blog is your outlet to present your thoughts, knowledge and opinions on a specific subject. What will determine how many readers your blog gains will be deciphered by how much they like you, the way in which you express yourself and what you can offer them as the reader. This can only be presented effectively if you allow yourself to be carried away by your chosen topic. If a reader is able to sense your passion and excitement for your chosen topic, they will become more allured by your words and what you are about. In fact, it can often be easier to gain an optimized amount of traffic and sales if you stop focusing on how to increase these factors and instead, focus on the words in which you are writing.
So, when it comes to starting your blog and making it a success, it really all stems down to your blog topic. Think about the purpose behind your blog and what it will relate to. It is only by thinking about the reasons as to why you are starting your blog and what you wish to present through it that you will be able to write a money making blog. Blogging provides a number of opportunities if utilized effectively. So, stop thinking about money and starting thinking about what you're passionate about. As soon as your passion is noticed by others it is only then that you will realize the true potential of blogging for your business.
When it comes to picking your blog topic, it is beneficial to opt for a topic that you are passionate about. If your blog is for pleasure, then you should think about what you are passionate about and what drives you. If your blog is for promotional purposes, you need to identify what your niche is, the knowledge you have regarding your niche and what you feel you can teach others about your industry or expertise. In short, a powerful blog will revolve around a topic which you could talk endlessly about with another individual. An effective blog will be one which has a focus, a drive and appeals to the mainstream. A blog which is used for business purposes may require gaining a higher level of traffic compared to personal blogs, and so your blog must relate to your niche and service in order to receive a high level of traffic.
However, before you put your thoughts and words onto paper so to speak, it is important that you are aware of the reasons as to why people read blogs in the first place. The internet, for many, is a primary source of information and a blog is your outlet to present your thoughts, knowledge and opinions on a specific subject. What will determine how many readers your blog gains will be deciphered by how much they like you, the way in which you express yourself and what you can offer them as the reader. This can only be presented effectively if you allow yourself to be carried away by your chosen topic. If a reader is able to sense your passion and excitement for your chosen topic, they will become more allured by your words and what you are about. In fact, it can often be easier to gain an optimized amount of traffic and sales if you stop focusing on how to increase these factors and instead, focus on the words in which you are writing.
So, when it comes to starting your blog and making it a success, it really all stems down to your blog topic. Think about the purpose behind your blog and what it will relate to. It is only by thinking about the reasons as to why you are starting your blog and what you wish to present through it that you will be able to write a money making blog. Blogging provides a number of opportunities if utilized effectively. So, stop thinking about money and starting thinking about what you're passionate about. As soon as your passion is noticed by others it is only then that you will realize the true potential of blogging for your business.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Online Business
Copyright (c) 2010 Andrew Holtom
Before starting a home business there are three things you should know so that you can run a successful business. These three things are often over looked by entrepreneurs as they think that their product will sell regardless. Please keep these three things in mind before starting a home business. Remember: research and preparation are key for running a successful business.
1. Sell something people want to buy
You might think that chilly flavored soft drinks are a big hit but other people might disagree. The most important process of starting a home business is doing great research. Make sure that you do market research before even thinking about starting your business. If you don't have a market that you can target - your product won't sell.
2. Work on a business plan
Even if your home business is an online business make sure to write up a proper business plan for it. If you have a business plan you will know what goals you need to reach and when. You can also use the business plan to pull in prospective investors who see a future in the business. A business plan helps you assess your vision and can help you improve upon your business at a later stage.
3. Understand what you need to do
Starting your own home business can be an extremely daunting task. You have to work for yourself and support yourself. Make sure that you schedule your time accordingly and don't fall into the trap of wasting your time on useless activities. If you have a project that needs to be finished by next week, don't delay on starting it. Make sure that you are extremely organized, as having a home business can get confusing. If you are able to, separate a small part of your house as your home office, this can help you improve on your productivity.
Most owners of home businesses start their journey with a dream. It is important not to lose sight of that dream as you travel along your route. There are bumps and turns in the road that may distract you, such as trying to get the right work-life balance and learning how to do online marketing. However, you must never doubt the skills and talents that you have available to you. You will be able to apply these to your home business to make it a successful venture.Having your own business is hard work, but as with anything - the more you educate yourself, the easier it will be. You can learn about how to operate your business, so that you can have the best lifestyle with profits that you can currently only dream about. You just need to learn as you go.
Starting a home business can be extremely prosperous if you start out on the right foot.
Grab a free copy of The Simple Guide to Starting Your Own Online Business
Before starting a home business there are three things you should know so that you can run a successful business. These three things are often over looked by entrepreneurs as they think that their product will sell regardless. Please keep these three things in mind before starting a home business. Remember: research and preparation are key for running a successful business.
1. Sell something people want to buy
You might think that chilly flavored soft drinks are a big hit but other people might disagree. The most important process of starting a home business is doing great research. Make sure that you do market research before even thinking about starting your business. If you don't have a market that you can target - your product won't sell.
2. Work on a business plan
Even if your home business is an online business make sure to write up a proper business plan for it. If you have a business plan you will know what goals you need to reach and when. You can also use the business plan to pull in prospective investors who see a future in the business. A business plan helps you assess your vision and can help you improve upon your business at a later stage.
3. Understand what you need to do
Starting your own home business can be an extremely daunting task. You have to work for yourself and support yourself. Make sure that you schedule your time accordingly and don't fall into the trap of wasting your time on useless activities. If you have a project that needs to be finished by next week, don't delay on starting it. Make sure that you are extremely organized, as having a home business can get confusing. If you are able to, separate a small part of your house as your home office, this can help you improve on your productivity.
Most owners of home businesses start their journey with a dream. It is important not to lose sight of that dream as you travel along your route. There are bumps and turns in the road that may distract you, such as trying to get the right work-life balance and learning how to do online marketing. However, you must never doubt the skills and talents that you have available to you. You will be able to apply these to your home business to make it a successful venture.Having your own business is hard work, but as with anything - the more you educate yourself, the easier it will be. You can learn about how to operate your business, so that you can have the best lifestyle with profits that you can currently only dream about. You just need to learn as you go.
Starting a home business can be extremely prosperous if you start out on the right foot.
Grab a free copy of The Simple Guide to Starting Your Own Online Business
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Revealed! A Simple Strategy To Double Your MLM Traffic With Article Marketing
Are you currently looking for a means of boosting your MLM success? If so, you are making a wise move because you always want your MLM system to expand in popularity and deliver more revenue to your entrepreneurial ventures. Of course, this does raise questions regarding how to boost your venture. Without a doubt, one of the best ways to do this is through article marketing. Such a strategy will definitely lead to expanding the success rate of the business.
What is article marketing and how can it boost your ability to expand your MLM business? Probably the simplest way to describe article marketing would be to call it a form of promotional marketing designed to inform and entertain people. Basically, when you craft articles for marketing purposes, you would be doing them in support of the subject matter your MLM system is based upon. So, let's look at how this works in greater depth...
If your MLM venture revolved around supplements that promote weight loss, articles dealing with the subject of weight loss would be employed to drive traffic to your website. (Your website, of course, will be primarily serving the purpose of promoting the benefits of your MLM venture) The articles can cover the subject of weight loss from a number of different perspectives. The core point to these articles is that they must have enough value to the reader that they wish to learn more about what you offer. It is this desire that will open the floodgates for expanding traffic to your website. That means your website can become extremely lucrative since the expanded visitor base can become customers in higher volumes.
This aspect of article marketing is known as a conversion rate. As the name infers, visitors that become customers are known as conversions. This is because convert from a mere casual visitor to someone that is an actual buyer. And what MLM business could survive if it did not have a high number of customers. Again, you need conversions and article marketing is the right way to achieve such goals.
Where are the articles intended to support your MLM venture intended to be displayed? There are various article directories that are specifically designed to aid in article marketing. And, of course, they are a great resource for reading enjoyment. As such, exploring what these sites have to offer is definitely worthwhile.
Then, there is another method that can be employed to support your MLM article marketing strategy. Working with Traffic Geyser can certainly prove helpful as well. Traffic Geyser is mainly a system utilized for boosting your video marketing ventures but such videos can also be integrated with your article marketing. This, in turn, can boost the success potential of your overall MLM success strategy. This will yield great success with the proper effort.
Yes, article marketing and Traffic Geyser are both strategies that can significantly boost MLM profits. So, why not give such strategies a try? You will be pleased with the results.
Linda Credit is an avid article marketing strategist who helps people promote and build their MLM business. To learn more about how to monopolize the search engines and build your MLM business using the steps and resources mentioned in this article, visit Linda Recommends on her blog. http://www.lindacredit.com
What is article marketing and how can it boost your ability to expand your MLM business? Probably the simplest way to describe article marketing would be to call it a form of promotional marketing designed to inform and entertain people. Basically, when you craft articles for marketing purposes, you would be doing them in support of the subject matter your MLM system is based upon. So, let's look at how this works in greater depth...
If your MLM venture revolved around supplements that promote weight loss, articles dealing with the subject of weight loss would be employed to drive traffic to your website. (Your website, of course, will be primarily serving the purpose of promoting the benefits of your MLM venture) The articles can cover the subject of weight loss from a number of different perspectives. The core point to these articles is that they must have enough value to the reader that they wish to learn more about what you offer. It is this desire that will open the floodgates for expanding traffic to your website. That means your website can become extremely lucrative since the expanded visitor base can become customers in higher volumes.
This aspect of article marketing is known as a conversion rate. As the name infers, visitors that become customers are known as conversions. This is because convert from a mere casual visitor to someone that is an actual buyer. And what MLM business could survive if it did not have a high number of customers. Again, you need conversions and article marketing is the right way to achieve such goals.
Where are the articles intended to support your MLM venture intended to be displayed? There are various article directories that are specifically designed to aid in article marketing. And, of course, they are a great resource for reading enjoyment. As such, exploring what these sites have to offer is definitely worthwhile.
Then, there is another method that can be employed to support your MLM article marketing strategy. Working with Traffic Geyser can certainly prove helpful as well. Traffic Geyser is mainly a system utilized for boosting your video marketing ventures but such videos can also be integrated with your article marketing. This, in turn, can boost the success potential of your overall MLM success strategy. This will yield great success with the proper effort.
Yes, article marketing and Traffic Geyser are both strategies that can significantly boost MLM profits. So, why not give such strategies a try? You will be pleased with the results.
Linda Credit is an avid article marketing strategist who helps people promote and build their MLM business. To learn more about how to monopolize the search engines and build your MLM business using the steps and resources mentioned in this article, visit Linda Recommends on her blog. http://www.lindacredit.com
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Ready to Create Your Own Successful Home Business Story?
It seems like everywhere you turn nowadays, you hear another successful home business story. Some of these stories are absolutely amazing. Not too long ago I heard about a janitor who started a home business in his spare time, and now he makes 7 figures every year and spends most of his time traveling around the world in luxury. What's weird is that as fantastic as a story about a janitor making more than a million dollars per year may sound to you, It's not hard for me to believe at all. I hear these stories all the time, and I know that they are true because I have met so many people in person who started their own successful home business and who are now living a life of luxury with absolutely no financial worries whatsoever.
The main question that you should ask yourself is why there are so many new successful home business stories all of a sudden? I remember a decade or two ago it wasn't like this. Back then, pretty much the only way to get rich was to spend forever in school to get a MD or JD degree and then to slowly save up your money to become moderately wealthy. Your other option was to get your MBA and then to try to compete against other MBAs to climb the corporate ladder. Now, however, it seems like everywhere you look, people are getting rich by starting a successful home business.
What's the difference between then and now? The main difference is the existence of the Internet. The Internet has opened up huge opportunities for nearly anyone and everyone who wants to create a successful home business. Unfortunately, although you will hear many successful home business stories all the time, the fact is that very few people are taking full advantage of this opportunity. They don't believe that they too can grow wealthy in a short period of time by creating their own successful home business. If you don't believe in yourself, then no one will. Most people believe that the best that they deserve out of life is to get up every morning and to trudge off to work. They never get to try out any ideas of their own; they spend their entire day and their entire career implementing the ideas that have come out of a huge corporate bureaucracy.
If you are ready to break out of this cycle and to begin to create a successful home business story of your own, then there is no time to waste. The best method for obtaining success is to seek out someone who has already achieved success. He will know all the pitfalls to avoid and the business plans that actually work.
Steve Duval is a Successful Internet Marketer Helping Others Learn the Skills required to Be Able To make Money Online http://steves6figureincome.com . To Find Out More About Steve and how he can help you http://steve-duval.com
The main question that you should ask yourself is why there are so many new successful home business stories all of a sudden? I remember a decade or two ago it wasn't like this. Back then, pretty much the only way to get rich was to spend forever in school to get a MD or JD degree and then to slowly save up your money to become moderately wealthy. Your other option was to get your MBA and then to try to compete against other MBAs to climb the corporate ladder. Now, however, it seems like everywhere you look, people are getting rich by starting a successful home business.
What's the difference between then and now? The main difference is the existence of the Internet. The Internet has opened up huge opportunities for nearly anyone and everyone who wants to create a successful home business. Unfortunately, although you will hear many successful home business stories all the time, the fact is that very few people are taking full advantage of this opportunity. They don't believe that they too can grow wealthy in a short period of time by creating their own successful home business. If you don't believe in yourself, then no one will. Most people believe that the best that they deserve out of life is to get up every morning and to trudge off to work. They never get to try out any ideas of their own; they spend their entire day and their entire career implementing the ideas that have come out of a huge corporate bureaucracy.
If you are ready to break out of this cycle and to begin to create a successful home business story of your own, then there is no time to waste. The best method for obtaining success is to seek out someone who has already achieved success. He will know all the pitfalls to avoid and the business plans that actually work.
Steve Duval is a Successful Internet Marketer Helping Others Learn the Skills required to Be Able To make Money Online http://steves6figureincome.com . To Find Out More About Steve and how he can help you http://steve-duval.com
Friday, November 19, 2010
Think BIG When Setting Business Goals
If you are considering starting up a new business venture in the near future, or currently own an established business, it is likely that you may be unsure as to what the next steps are in order to take your business further. When it comes to owning your own business, it is vital that you make goals in order to see your business flourish and grow to its full potential. However, the main issue which stops many business owners from thinking big in terms of their business goals is that they tend to focus on the negative aspects of goal setting. What if my attempts fail? What if I damage the current status of my business? On the other hand, what if you succeed in achieving your goals and realizing your business’ true potential?
If you are unable to envision your business going further than it currently is, chances are it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve any big goals. It is understandable that any business owners will fear failure, and so will simply opt to not set large goals in order to dodge any great failure. However, as you see the years pass and your business cease to grow, it is then that you will realize that thinking big when drafting your business goals is one of the most effective ways in which to push yourself and your business to its full potential.
It is unlikely that we can immediately achieve any business goal we set out mind to instantaneously. However, by taking the risk to make our business dreams a reality and be realistic with our goals, we will have a higher chance of seeing this reality. One of the most effective ways in which to make your goals is to share these with someone else. This may be something you have already done, but for others, communicating their business goals out loud-no matter how small they may be, can be incredibly empowering and can motivate them more to try to achieve them. Many business owners make the mistake of staying small when drafting their business goals as they believe that smaller goals are easier to achieve. In some respect this is true, but with the correct determination and planning, you can achieve anything. This is not to say that your big goals will be realized in quick succession, but by continuing with the running and growth of your business, building on your marketing, advertising and so forth in order to achieve your smaller goals, then with time, your big goals will be realized. However, be realistic. Making large goals which you know you will never achieve can dishearten you but stay too small, and you may be de-motivated.
So, how can you make your big goals a reality? Break down your big business goals into section which are realistic and will be achievable. For example, if you aspire to gain 200 new clients, break this down so that you will aim to gain 10 new clients a month, and build on this number as you start to achieve this goal. Changing your big goal into smaller, more manageable goals will make it easier for you to achieve, thus filling you with a sense of accomplishment and motivation as it is realized.
Setting big business goals can be a daunting task, especially in the event that your business is starting from the basics. However, many businesses fail as they refuse to take the chance to dream big, showing how being safe can be just as dangerous as dreaming big. So, if you want your business to grow to the establishment which you dream and know it can be, don’t be afraid to be ambitious, realistic and above all, don’t be afraid to dream big.
If you are unable to envision your business going further than it currently is, chances are it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve any big goals. It is understandable that any business owners will fear failure, and so will simply opt to not set large goals in order to dodge any great failure. However, as you see the years pass and your business cease to grow, it is then that you will realize that thinking big when drafting your business goals is one of the most effective ways in which to push yourself and your business to its full potential.
It is unlikely that we can immediately achieve any business goal we set out mind to instantaneously. However, by taking the risk to make our business dreams a reality and be realistic with our goals, we will have a higher chance of seeing this reality. One of the most effective ways in which to make your goals is to share these with someone else. This may be something you have already done, but for others, communicating their business goals out loud-no matter how small they may be, can be incredibly empowering and can motivate them more to try to achieve them. Many business owners make the mistake of staying small when drafting their business goals as they believe that smaller goals are easier to achieve. In some respect this is true, but with the correct determination and planning, you can achieve anything. This is not to say that your big goals will be realized in quick succession, but by continuing with the running and growth of your business, building on your marketing, advertising and so forth in order to achieve your smaller goals, then with time, your big goals will be realized. However, be realistic. Making large goals which you know you will never achieve can dishearten you but stay too small, and you may be de-motivated.
So, how can you make your big goals a reality? Break down your big business goals into section which are realistic and will be achievable. For example, if you aspire to gain 200 new clients, break this down so that you will aim to gain 10 new clients a month, and build on this number as you start to achieve this goal. Changing your big goal into smaller, more manageable goals will make it easier for you to achieve, thus filling you with a sense of accomplishment and motivation as it is realized.
Setting big business goals can be a daunting task, especially in the event that your business is starting from the basics. However, many businesses fail as they refuse to take the chance to dream big, showing how being safe can be just as dangerous as dreaming big. So, if you want your business to grow to the establishment which you dream and know it can be, don’t be afraid to be ambitious, realistic and above all, don’t be afraid to dream big.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Power linking from niche-focused sites
Article marketing has been around for a long time in Internet marketing circles as a really effective means of drawing traffic to your website, building inbound links, and generally boosting your online visibility.
However, the game is now changing ... this is something you definitely want to know about ...
Despite all its benefits, there are two main problems at present with article marketing in its traditional form:
1. With the surge in the popularity of article marketing over the past two or three years, thousands of articles are now published each and every day ... and your articles are in competition with all those other articles to get noticed and to get published in the really valuable places like popular ezines and niche-focused websites.
2. Because Google recognizes when an article on Site A is the same as an article on Site B and an article on Site C, the value of the link from your article to your website is really only going to count in just one of those places, regardless of how many times the article has been published.
I've come across a powerful system - in fact, I've been using it for months, but they're just about to launch some powerful new functionality - that resolves both these problems in one foul swoop:
1. It gets your articles immediately published on niche-focused websites ... powerful in itself, but they've added a unique twist to really ramp it up
2. You can ensure each and every site publishing your article, publishes a completely unique version - so every link counts
And it does this on top of all the benefits of more traditional article marketing ... so your articles are also published on hundreds of article directories, sent to email publishers, and so on ...
Trust me ... this is VERY powerful and the creme-de-la-creme of article marketing systems, allowing you to build massive publicity for your website.
They're going to launch this in under a week's time, but the best bit is for the few days leading up to the launch they're allowing you to 'lock in' on their existing rates ... as soon as it launches, the price for this system will go up, and you'll effectively be 'locked in' on a big discount for as long as you continue using it.
That means you need to act now to take advantage of this ... even if you don't, your competition will.
I highly recommend you take a look at this ... you'll thank me when you do:
To Your Success,
Diana Samalot
PS. The guy behind this really believes in going over and above the norm to deliver value ... that's why he's upgrading all his customers to this new level of functionality when they launch, at no extra cost to them. In fact, it's a pattern he's followed for years, which is why I don't hesitate in recommending this to you. And there's yet more functionality planned soon that you'll get thrown in too ... but you do need to lock in right now in order to take advantage:
However, the game is now changing ... this is something you definitely want to know about ...
Despite all its benefits, there are two main problems at present with article marketing in its traditional form:
1. With the surge in the popularity of article marketing over the past two or three years, thousands of articles are now published each and every day ... and your articles are in competition with all those other articles to get noticed and to get published in the really valuable places like popular ezines and niche-focused websites.
2. Because Google recognizes when an article on Site A is the same as an article on Site B and an article on Site C, the value of the link from your article to your website is really only going to count in just one of those places, regardless of how many times the article has been published.
I've come across a powerful system - in fact, I've been using it for months, but they're just about to launch some powerful new functionality - that resolves both these problems in one foul swoop:
1. It gets your articles immediately published on niche-focused websites ... powerful in itself, but they've added a unique twist to really ramp it up
2. You can ensure each and every site publishing your article, publishes a completely unique version - so every link counts
And it does this on top of all the benefits of more traditional article marketing ... so your articles are also published on hundreds of article directories, sent to email publishers, and so on ...
Trust me ... this is VERY powerful and the creme-de-la-creme of article marketing systems, allowing you to build massive publicity for your website.
They're going to launch this in under a week's time, but the best bit is for the few days leading up to the launch they're allowing you to 'lock in' on their existing rates ... as soon as it launches, the price for this system will go up, and you'll effectively be 'locked in' on a big discount for as long as you continue using it.
That means you need to act now to take advantage of this ... even if you don't, your competition will.
I highly recommend you take a look at this ... you'll thank me when you do:
To Your Success,
Diana Samalot
PS. The guy behind this really believes in going over and above the norm to deliver value ... that's why he's upgrading all his customers to this new level of functionality when they launch, at no extra cost to them. In fact, it's a pattern he's followed for years, which is why I don't hesitate in recommending this to you. And there's yet more functionality planned soon that you'll get thrown in too ... but you do need to lock in right now in order to take advantage:
Monday, November 15, 2010
Video SEO is Growing in Social Media Acceptance
Video SEO in social media is growing in acceptance and importance to the consumer. Many companies are turning to different forms of social media marketing to promote online brands. Company websites are becoming more than static brochures. They are changing and growing, featuring more interaction with their audiences. Websites now contain a variety of forums like blogs, discussion forums, blog and page comments, and video. Companies are providing more information and they are letting their customers talk back to them.
Video is now becoming the new way to communicate information. Because we live in a wired — or actually a wireless — world, marketers are turning to both the web and mobile marketing, and video, to tell their stories. Not only is this a good way to share information and promote your brand, video marketing leads to higher search engine rankings, which means more website visitors and increased sales. Video SEO is following closely on the heels of the video revolution.
Some companies are slow to accept video, let alone video SEO, since it is still relatively new. However, online video and video SEO make perfect sense. Americans spend many hours in front of their televisions. Reality TV has taken television into a whole new direction. People want to see actual reality (or what they believe is reality). They want to experience and learn from what is actually happening, not what is acted out. We have become a visual learning society. So it is only natural that people want to "watch TV" on their computers, including finding new information and communicating. This new evolution of media brings new opportunities to marketing and makes video SEO an important tool in the marketing toolbox.
Video SEO will give you a strong edge in marketing strategy. Not only are you reaching people with the videos you produce, but by hosting your videos on sites like YouTube and Vimeo, and then embedding them on your blog or website, you are giving your site a video SEO boost.
You can give your video SEO efforts a bigger boost if you tag these videos with your chosen keywords, and include links back to the site where the video can be seen (i.e. your site). You can also share links to the video on your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, and post it on your Facebook "Like" page. This will not only expose your video to more people, but will tell search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo that both the video and your website are important. The more links you get back to your main website, the higher it will appear in the search engine rankings. And because Google owns YouTube, you have the added bonus of your videos being indexed quickly and easily, which can only help your video SEO efforts even more.
Video SEO ends up helping you do a few things at once: promote your products or services, boost your search engine rankings, and help you reach more people by being some of the first in your industry to use these techniques.
The Internet is always changing, which is why you have to stay on top of the technology and tools behind it. Even things like search engine optimization techniques and tactics, including video SEO, are changing all the time — things that were accepted and expected are now not only old news, they can even get you banned from the search engines.
If you find you do not have the time and energy to devote to SEO, then consider an SEO professional. Not only are they well-versed in the latest developments in the search engine world, like video SEO techniques, they know other professionals, like video production companies, that can help you create entertaining and informative videos that keep your visitors' interest once they arrive at your site.
With 20 years in marketing, advertising and 10 years in internet marketing, Rostin Ventures has refined video seo practices for distribution in social media.
http://www.rostinventures.com offers video seo, social media marketing and online reputation management services that are affordable and drive search engine ranking through Social Media Optimization, Online Reputation Management, Social Marketing and web 2.0 communities and resources.
Video is now becoming the new way to communicate information. Because we live in a wired — or actually a wireless — world, marketers are turning to both the web and mobile marketing, and video, to tell their stories. Not only is this a good way to share information and promote your brand, video marketing leads to higher search engine rankings, which means more website visitors and increased sales. Video SEO is following closely on the heels of the video revolution.
Some companies are slow to accept video, let alone video SEO, since it is still relatively new. However, online video and video SEO make perfect sense. Americans spend many hours in front of their televisions. Reality TV has taken television into a whole new direction. People want to see actual reality (or what they believe is reality). They want to experience and learn from what is actually happening, not what is acted out. We have become a visual learning society. So it is only natural that people want to "watch TV" on their computers, including finding new information and communicating. This new evolution of media brings new opportunities to marketing and makes video SEO an important tool in the marketing toolbox.
Video SEO will give you a strong edge in marketing strategy. Not only are you reaching people with the videos you produce, but by hosting your videos on sites like YouTube and Vimeo, and then embedding them on your blog or website, you are giving your site a video SEO boost.
You can give your video SEO efforts a bigger boost if you tag these videos with your chosen keywords, and include links back to the site where the video can be seen (i.e. your site). You can also share links to the video on your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, and post it on your Facebook "Like" page. This will not only expose your video to more people, but will tell search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo that both the video and your website are important. The more links you get back to your main website, the higher it will appear in the search engine rankings. And because Google owns YouTube, you have the added bonus of your videos being indexed quickly and easily, which can only help your video SEO efforts even more.
Video SEO ends up helping you do a few things at once: promote your products or services, boost your search engine rankings, and help you reach more people by being some of the first in your industry to use these techniques.
The Internet is always changing, which is why you have to stay on top of the technology and tools behind it. Even things like search engine optimization techniques and tactics, including video SEO, are changing all the time — things that were accepted and expected are now not only old news, they can even get you banned from the search engines.
If you find you do not have the time and energy to devote to SEO, then consider an SEO professional. Not only are they well-versed in the latest developments in the search engine world, like video SEO techniques, they know other professionals, like video production companies, that can help you create entertaining and informative videos that keep your visitors' interest once they arrive at your site.
With 20 years in marketing, advertising and 10 years in internet marketing, Rostin Ventures has refined video seo practices for distribution in social media.
http://www.rostinventures.com offers video seo, social media marketing and online reputation management services that are affordable and drive search engine ranking through Social Media Optimization, Online Reputation Management, Social Marketing and web 2.0 communities and resources.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Finding Good Content For Your Blog The Best In Blog Content
Attempting a blog that's all things to all people can be good or bad. However, it's good content that's a drawing card to steady readership.
Staying on top of ideas and information to achieve good content for your blog isn't really difficult. It takes practice in the art of research. Finding good content means staying current with reader interests. It would be easy to repeat scores of other blog contents, Unless your blog has a unique basis to offer visitors, it's repetitious and redundant. This is where good research skills pull a blog ahead of myriad competitors on the internet.
The Five Most Important Research Details Choose from among five most important research details:
Who, What, When, Where or Why.
This is the principle journalists follow for media publication. It stands the test of time for good content for blogs too.
Each blog entry should have a basis incorporating one of these five principles. This makes it easier to find interesting content for your blog.
1: Starting Good Content With "Who"
If you begin with the "Who" principle, you can develop good content on a specific public figure. Use contrasts from other historical or previous public figures where possible. Choose a contemporary actor such as Tom Hanks, for example, for good content, try to contrast this actor's achievements or acting style with an actor from the past like Montgomery Clift. This principle works with theatrical, political or figures of royal heritage. Or, the focus can be interaction between blogger and readers.
2: "What"
Is the Main Topic? If "What" is the choice for good content, develop it based on current, past or unusual events. With "What" as the main venue, it should link to overall content. Topics for "What" might be products or services for business blogs. It can also include article marketing for great follow through from sales campaigns.
3: "When"
A Time Piece Can Be Good Content If a blogger seeks good content based on events, this can also be current or historical happenings. "When" also serves as an announcement of upcoming sales or marketing campaigns or blog content can focus on planned topics for upcoming blogs.
4: "Where"
Are Best Locations To Find Blog Content Some of the best features of the principle "Where" in blog content is found locally or globally as suits blogger preferences.
5: "Why"
Is Blog Content A Great Opportunity? Blog content featuring the principle "Why" can be a stimulating interactive forum between blogger and readers like a B12 shot for blog content.
Steve Duval is a Successful Internet Marketer Helping Others Learn the Skills required to Be Able To make Money Online http://steves6figureincome.com . To Find Out More About Steve and how he can help you http://steve-duval.com
Staying on top of ideas and information to achieve good content for your blog isn't really difficult. It takes practice in the art of research. Finding good content means staying current with reader interests. It would be easy to repeat scores of other blog contents, Unless your blog has a unique basis to offer visitors, it's repetitious and redundant. This is where good research skills pull a blog ahead of myriad competitors on the internet.
The Five Most Important Research Details Choose from among five most important research details:
Who, What, When, Where or Why.
This is the principle journalists follow for media publication. It stands the test of time for good content for blogs too.
Each blog entry should have a basis incorporating one of these five principles. This makes it easier to find interesting content for your blog.
1: Starting Good Content With "Who"
If you begin with the "Who" principle, you can develop good content on a specific public figure. Use contrasts from other historical or previous public figures where possible. Choose a contemporary actor such as Tom Hanks, for example, for good content, try to contrast this actor's achievements or acting style with an actor from the past like Montgomery Clift. This principle works with theatrical, political or figures of royal heritage. Or, the focus can be interaction between blogger and readers.
2: "What"
Is the Main Topic? If "What" is the choice for good content, develop it based on current, past or unusual events. With "What" as the main venue, it should link to overall content. Topics for "What" might be products or services for business blogs. It can also include article marketing for great follow through from sales campaigns.
3: "When"
A Time Piece Can Be Good Content If a blogger seeks good content based on events, this can also be current or historical happenings. "When" also serves as an announcement of upcoming sales or marketing campaigns or blog content can focus on planned topics for upcoming blogs.
4: "Where"
Are Best Locations To Find Blog Content Some of the best features of the principle "Where" in blog content is found locally or globally as suits blogger preferences.
5: "Why"
Is Blog Content A Great Opportunity? Blog content featuring the principle "Why" can be a stimulating interactive forum between blogger and readers like a B12 shot for blog content.
Steve Duval is a Successful Internet Marketer Helping Others Learn the Skills required to Be Able To make Money Online http://steves6figureincome.com . To Find Out More About Steve and how he can help you http://steve-duval.com
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Is Affiliate Marketing The Best Way To Generate An Income Online?
Turning into an affiliate has become the most popular occupation moves of this decade. Men and women are teaching themselves to utilize the online world as his or her resource through making revenue from Internet websites, a position that doesn't even call for leaving the house.
Now what exactly is an affiliate marketer? Generally speaking, an affiliate marketer owns a site and also refers guests to some other sites, referred to as "merchants". Any time these types of website visitors buy things, the other sites pay the online affiliate marketer a fee, which is dependent upon web tracking systems which keep track of web consumers purchases.
When people choose to be an affiliate marketer, you need to make cautious decisions with regards to which sites to refer your visitors to. Most important, they need to be websites that you are certain will be available for quite a long time. Check out data to ensure they have been constantly prosperous - quite simply, be sure these people will not go broke once you put your time and effort directly into searching for buyers for that merchandise.
Second of all, choose the websites depending on what they provide, and also think about the merchandise in the long term. As an illustration, an online single time payment membership site is a product which you could sell to a person just once, but men and women return to exactly the same places to order outfits that they really like time and time again. This does not imply that you should not link to a one time membership site, you simply have to understand its variations from the particular garments website. Take into account the idea that regular membership Internet sites may be more popular when compared with one clothing site among thousands. If you can, investigate the actual business data to see what kind of money they have produced.
You also want to select websites according to just what your website is pertaining to. Think about what sort of individuals arrive at your site, after which envision what type of sites they would want hyper links to. If your website is pertaining to American heritage, it would be better to advertise an Internet site which offers history novels as well as American paraphernalia than a Internet site providing disposable lenses.
Something many affiliate marketers do not consider initially are buyer monitoring methods. Some companies utilize the cookie method - putting a cookie within the customer's computer. This isn't as reliable when the particular website putting your own affiliate data within the database together with the client's information. The actual cookie method is well known and might possibly be altogether secure, nonetheless it doesn't have the actual successful reputation of the alternative system, therefore decide only after you are well informed.
To be able to market the product on the other website, create a recommendation. Do your homework on the merchandise and even test it out. If it's worth purchasing, create a few lines which explains why. Think of what people would likely be most interested in the merchandise and try to target these people. For example, if you're promoting a new face soap and you think ladies might be most likely to buy it, talk about just how clean and fresh it leaves the skin feeling and also smelling, and how your spouse will love just how soft this product leaves your face.
Becoming an affiliate is definitely a great way to earn cash on the Internet, but it does require work. However, when you put in the effort and time, you can make money from the convenience of your house.
If you are interested in marketing your website by way of article marketing then visit http://www.articlecontentengine.com they put article marketing on autopilot.
Now what exactly is an affiliate marketer? Generally speaking, an affiliate marketer owns a site and also refers guests to some other sites, referred to as "merchants". Any time these types of website visitors buy things, the other sites pay the online affiliate marketer a fee, which is dependent upon web tracking systems which keep track of web consumers purchases.
When people choose to be an affiliate marketer, you need to make cautious decisions with regards to which sites to refer your visitors to. Most important, they need to be websites that you are certain will be available for quite a long time. Check out data to ensure they have been constantly prosperous - quite simply, be sure these people will not go broke once you put your time and effort directly into searching for buyers for that merchandise.
Second of all, choose the websites depending on what they provide, and also think about the merchandise in the long term. As an illustration, an online single time payment membership site is a product which you could sell to a person just once, but men and women return to exactly the same places to order outfits that they really like time and time again. This does not imply that you should not link to a one time membership site, you simply have to understand its variations from the particular garments website. Take into account the idea that regular membership Internet sites may be more popular when compared with one clothing site among thousands. If you can, investigate the actual business data to see what kind of money they have produced.
You also want to select websites according to just what your website is pertaining to. Think about what sort of individuals arrive at your site, after which envision what type of sites they would want hyper links to. If your website is pertaining to American heritage, it would be better to advertise an Internet site which offers history novels as well as American paraphernalia than a Internet site providing disposable lenses.
Something many affiliate marketers do not consider initially are buyer monitoring methods. Some companies utilize the cookie method - putting a cookie within the customer's computer. This isn't as reliable when the particular website putting your own affiliate data within the database together with the client's information. The actual cookie method is well known and might possibly be altogether secure, nonetheless it doesn't have the actual successful reputation of the alternative system, therefore decide only after you are well informed.
To be able to market the product on the other website, create a recommendation. Do your homework on the merchandise and even test it out. If it's worth purchasing, create a few lines which explains why. Think of what people would likely be most interested in the merchandise and try to target these people. For example, if you're promoting a new face soap and you think ladies might be most likely to buy it, talk about just how clean and fresh it leaves the skin feeling and also smelling, and how your spouse will love just how soft this product leaves your face.
Becoming an affiliate is definitely a great way to earn cash on the Internet, but it does require work. However, when you put in the effort and time, you can make money from the convenience of your house.
If you are interested in marketing your website by way of article marketing then visit http://www.articlecontentengine.com they put article marketing on autopilot.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Facebook Groups - Start Your Own Group to Connect With Your List and Build Relationships
Creating your own group on the social networking site Facebook will help you to increase your profits. Start a group on your niche topic, using your best keywords in the title for the group.
Add a tagline that states a benefit to those who join, such as some specific information they will receive as a member. When starting and maintaining your group on Facebook, you will want to keep a few things in mind. Take a look at some of the other groups on your niche topic to see what they have to offer the group members.
When people are searching for information, they are not setting out to purchase anything. They just want to know more about a particular topic at that point in time. The idea with creating your group is to have a central place where people can exchange ideas, ask questions, and find resources.
You are the administrator and facilitator of the group, so they are coming to you for all of this. You may want to invite your Facebook friends to join your new group, but only do this once every six months. Everyone is already inundated from a variety of requests to join groups, attend calls, and other types of invitations.
Instead of pushing your information on them, allow those who are interested to pull the information for themselves. This is a web 2.0 concept that works extremely well. Be sure to let your list know that you have started this new group. Offer them an incentive for joining, such as a short report or a teleseminar.
This will help you to build the excitement and buzz that works well on the Internet. On a regular basis, at least once a month, message the group members with new information, updates, and other pertinent details on your niche topic. This is yet another strategy for building your credibility and visibility on the Internet. You want your list to know that you have lots going on, and that you are an expert in your niche.
Spend some time setting up your group, starting several discussion threads, adding appropriate links and resources, and interacting with your group members. This is excellent for connecting with people one on one, and for building a relationship with those people.
As far as social networking sites go, Facebook is one of the most effective. Take some time to learn your way around, and then you will be ready to jump right in.
And now I invite you to download a video on how to get started with your own Facebook Fan Page by visiting http://FacebookFanPageSuccess.com and start driving massive traffic and building a list to promote your business on the Internet with this marketing phenomenon.
Add a tagline that states a benefit to those who join, such as some specific information they will receive as a member. When starting and maintaining your group on Facebook, you will want to keep a few things in mind. Take a look at some of the other groups on your niche topic to see what they have to offer the group members.
When people are searching for information, they are not setting out to purchase anything. They just want to know more about a particular topic at that point in time. The idea with creating your group is to have a central place where people can exchange ideas, ask questions, and find resources.
You are the administrator and facilitator of the group, so they are coming to you for all of this. You may want to invite your Facebook friends to join your new group, but only do this once every six months. Everyone is already inundated from a variety of requests to join groups, attend calls, and other types of invitations.
Instead of pushing your information on them, allow those who are interested to pull the information for themselves. This is a web 2.0 concept that works extremely well. Be sure to let your list know that you have started this new group. Offer them an incentive for joining, such as a short report or a teleseminar.
This will help you to build the excitement and buzz that works well on the Internet. On a regular basis, at least once a month, message the group members with new information, updates, and other pertinent details on your niche topic. This is yet another strategy for building your credibility and visibility on the Internet. You want your list to know that you have lots going on, and that you are an expert in your niche.
Spend some time setting up your group, starting several discussion threads, adding appropriate links and resources, and interacting with your group members. This is excellent for connecting with people one on one, and for building a relationship with those people.
As far as social networking sites go, Facebook is one of the most effective. Take some time to learn your way around, and then you will be ready to jump right in.
And now I invite you to download a video on how to get started with your own Facebook Fan Page by visiting http://FacebookFanPageSuccess.com and start driving massive traffic and building a list to promote your business on the Internet with this marketing phenomenon.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Creating An Online Marketing Plan Checklist
Whether you are working with a web designer or creating your own website, there are certain things important that you need to make sure are included. It can be overwhelming having to deal with a range of issues with a site to make it fully efficient. This is why it is sensible to create an online marketing plan checklist.
The main part of a website is who you are aiming it at. If they are an older audience, they are less likely to be keen on purchasing products online and it may be more appropriate to create a brochure website. As the name suggests, it is the online equivalent of a brochure that gives people more information about the company.
On the other hand, you may already have a website. Take a closer look at every aspect on your website, from the menu to the content. Is it easy to navigate? This is something you should make sure is right, as an awkward viewing experience will lose you traffic. While word of mouth can help promote a website, it can equally be used to persuade people not to look at it. If you are not sure, ask someone neutral to look at the site and get some honest feedback.
Ideally, the person looking at your website will be your target audience. As an example, you may be doing a website for an art gallery. Ask them what kind of words they associate with an art gallery or come up with some of your own and make a note of them on your online marketing plan checklist. Make sure they are included in the website content, as well as tags. If you use images on your site, make sure the keywords are tagged on them as well.
Once your website is finished, it is worth considering online promotion. More people are looking for local products on the internet so it is worth directing to your local area. Social networking sites and blogs can help inform you about events such as community fairs and business network groups.
You can also submit articles to article directories, giving you more results on search engine websites and more links to your website. Check the submission policy carefully as you may have to post the link separately from the body of the text. Most of them will usually have a limit on keywords as well.
An online marketing plan checklist will allow you to efficiently plan your website and its advertising. You should update it regularly and always be open to feedback. With the right long term strategy, you will get the best from your website.
Do you need help in promoting your business online? Let an online marketing professional help you: http://internetmarketingclix.com/
Cedric is an article marketing expert, expert link builder, SEO specialist, and freelance article writer: http://internetmarketingclix.com/freelance-article-writer
The main part of a website is who you are aiming it at. If they are an older audience, they are less likely to be keen on purchasing products online and it may be more appropriate to create a brochure website. As the name suggests, it is the online equivalent of a brochure that gives people more information about the company.
On the other hand, you may already have a website. Take a closer look at every aspect on your website, from the menu to the content. Is it easy to navigate? This is something you should make sure is right, as an awkward viewing experience will lose you traffic. While word of mouth can help promote a website, it can equally be used to persuade people not to look at it. If you are not sure, ask someone neutral to look at the site and get some honest feedback.
Ideally, the person looking at your website will be your target audience. As an example, you may be doing a website for an art gallery. Ask them what kind of words they associate with an art gallery or come up with some of your own and make a note of them on your online marketing plan checklist. Make sure they are included in the website content, as well as tags. If you use images on your site, make sure the keywords are tagged on them as well.
Once your website is finished, it is worth considering online promotion. More people are looking for local products on the internet so it is worth directing to your local area. Social networking sites and blogs can help inform you about events such as community fairs and business network groups.
You can also submit articles to article directories, giving you more results on search engine websites and more links to your website. Check the submission policy carefully as you may have to post the link separately from the body of the text. Most of them will usually have a limit on keywords as well.
An online marketing plan checklist will allow you to efficiently plan your website and its advertising. You should update it regularly and always be open to feedback. With the right long term strategy, you will get the best from your website.
Do you need help in promoting your business online? Let an online marketing professional help you: http://internetmarketingclix.com/
Cedric is an article marketing expert, expert link builder, SEO specialist, and freelance article writer: http://internetmarketingclix.com/freelance-article-writer
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Internet Marketing: Why Things Are Better Today Than They Were 10 Years Ago
It does kind of wear you down to listen to the gloom and doom the media espouses every day. Having several friends and relatives who have now been unemployed for almost 2 years, I do have empathy for the tough economy we live in.
However as you look at Internet marketing as we close out the year 2010 I think there are several things that are better today than they were one decade ago. If you want to make money online, in many ways the time has never been better.
1. More opportunities. Many of the same business models continue to perform well. You can make money doing email marketing, affiliate marketing, network marketing, work at home jobs such as get paid to programs, and so on.
What has changed a lot over the last 10 years is the number of opportunities within these business models. You certainly can still build a mailing list and make money in any niche you want to get in.
There are some great opportunities to make money in affiliate marketing. These include getting paid by the click, by the lead, and by the sale.
Network marketing is booming all around the world. The MLM business model has really mastered how to generate leads and build a worldwide business that you can generate residual income from.
2. Proven strategies. These continue to evolve.
For example right now auto-blogging is very hot. Automating blogging efforts, and combining affiliate marketing and outsourcing, is a great way to build a Internet business today.
One thing that hasn't changed is the importance of search engine optimization and getting back links. Article marketing continues to be one of the best strategies for doing this.
Having a personal blog is also a proven strategy that is better today than it was 10 years ago. This is an excellent way to do everything from branding and list building, to social networking and product sales.
3. Better resources. A good example of this is how easy it is to building a website using a WordPress blog. Now you can do this with the click of a button using the Fantastico program most hosting companies offer.
Autoresponders offer fantastic ways to develop your brand image and keep in touch with customers. Automated article submission companies make it very easy to get your name out using article marketing. These are just a few examples of how resources have improved over time.
4. Faster Internet. Today you can sit down and breeze from one page to the next. 10 years ago the Internet was slow, and if were trying to make money on a part-time basis it could be very time consuming. Today that is not the case.
These are just a few examples of why I think things are better today than they were 10 years ago. If you are not making money you really have to look in the mirror and analyze why that is. The opportunities, strategies, and resources have never been better.
If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman please visit his take paid surveys website today. Join JV With Jeff for free and recieve tips on how to make money online without any experience or website of your own. http://www.Team-Schuman.com
However as you look at Internet marketing as we close out the year 2010 I think there are several things that are better today than they were one decade ago. If you want to make money online, in many ways the time has never been better.
1. More opportunities. Many of the same business models continue to perform well. You can make money doing email marketing, affiliate marketing, network marketing, work at home jobs such as get paid to programs, and so on.
What has changed a lot over the last 10 years is the number of opportunities within these business models. You certainly can still build a mailing list and make money in any niche you want to get in.
There are some great opportunities to make money in affiliate marketing. These include getting paid by the click, by the lead, and by the sale.
Network marketing is booming all around the world. The MLM business model has really mastered how to generate leads and build a worldwide business that you can generate residual income from.
2. Proven strategies. These continue to evolve.
For example right now auto-blogging is very hot. Automating blogging efforts, and combining affiliate marketing and outsourcing, is a great way to build a Internet business today.
One thing that hasn't changed is the importance of search engine optimization and getting back links. Article marketing continues to be one of the best strategies for doing this.
Having a personal blog is also a proven strategy that is better today than it was 10 years ago. This is an excellent way to do everything from branding and list building, to social networking and product sales.
3. Better resources. A good example of this is how easy it is to building a website using a WordPress blog. Now you can do this with the click of a button using the Fantastico program most hosting companies offer.
Autoresponders offer fantastic ways to develop your brand image and keep in touch with customers. Automated article submission companies make it very easy to get your name out using article marketing. These are just a few examples of how resources have improved over time.
4. Faster Internet. Today you can sit down and breeze from one page to the next. 10 years ago the Internet was slow, and if were trying to make money on a part-time basis it could be very time consuming. Today that is not the case.
These are just a few examples of why I think things are better today than they were 10 years ago. If you are not making money you really have to look in the mirror and analyze why that is. The opportunities, strategies, and resources have never been better.
If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman please visit his take paid surveys website today. Join JV With Jeff for free and recieve tips on how to make money online without any experience or website of your own. http://www.Team-Schuman.com
Celebrating my mom's birthday with the mariachis
Yesterday my family and I celebrated my Mom's 80th birthday. What a blast we had. My family tends to get all emotional during such occasions and this time was no different.
But my Mom has a great attitude. As she is wiping her tears of joy, she goes on singing and dancing to the beat of the mariachis music. She takes the negative events in life with the same attitude, wiping her tears and moving on singing and dancing as much as possible.
During our celebration I was thinking just how much longer she will be with us in this Earth. She is in very good health for her age and I am grateful for that. But I know that one day she will be gone and I will sure miss her for the rest of my life until we meet again as I'm sure we will.
I try not to take her for granted but I must admit that I do sometimes, and yesterday I realized that every day she is with us is a blessing. I will do my best not to take her for granted anymore.
God bless my Mom and all the other mothers out there that would give all they have, including their lives for their children.
I hope that you enjoy this video of Celebration of Life!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Secret Ingredients Every Network Marketer Must Know To Get Unstuck
This article wants to highlight two fundamental areas of your business that you may not have thought of before for limiting the success of your business.If these ingredients are not addressed, you could end up as another business that failed.
Creating business and personal goals is one of the key ingredients. Creating a business without goals is like being expected to go for a drive in someone's car without knowing the destination of your trip. (You wouldn't step into the car in the first place). Goals require you to be concise, factual and specific with what results you want to achieve in the short and the long term. Once the goals are decided, it's important to remind yourself of your goals either by reading or listening to them daily. Goals are important because they help give you a purpose and result to aim for.Writing your goals once and never referring to them again does not serve you well because your subconscious mind needs to hear a message more than once. If you repeatedly tell your subconscious about your goals you will start to automatically take more specific action naturally to help you achieve them. This is the reason why creating specific and concise goals helps you steer your actions in the right direction and the power of understanding how the mind works helps you to tap into your goals so you are more likely to achieve them.
The discipline of Time Management helps you ensure you have the right focus on the activities that are going to create the most return for your business. Please note, no one can 'manage' time. Its impossible, no one can create more time or less time. We all have to accomplish the most we can do in the 24 hours we are give. It's our attitude and emotions around certain activities that we have to be mindful of.
People say it all the time, 'Oh, I am so busy'. Its easy to be busy and spend hours in front of the computer. A high level example would group all business related activities into two types of activities; sales generating activities and non-sales generating activities. Spending one hour on Facebook would be a non-sales generating activity. Creating an Ad Campaign or creating a Press Release.
You have to keep yourself accountable for the length of time you spend on each activity and how you prioritize them. This may sound like a drag but it's the way you deal with your time that makes or breaks your business. Allocating time for work and play is great because there should be no guilt if you need to have time off from your business because you are sure that you are being extremely productive when you are working.
A Network Marketer needs to have the same intensity, passion and drive to their business as an athlete has in preparing for the Olympics or a high paying CEO of a large company has on the success of their organization. A Network Marketer has to know what they are aiming for, understand what they have to do to achieve their goals and keep themselves accountable for all actions they take to help them deal with challenges and achieve their goals.
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Live Beyond Nine to Five mentors serious home based business owners who are struggling to generate sales by providing practical online marketing and leadership skills to create a continual flow of sales online to ensure they never have to go back to a '9 to 5' job ever again.
Register your details for a free ebook Ann Sieg's acclaimed "Attraction Marketing Manifesto" http://snipurl.com/1bzqnu
Creating business and personal goals is one of the key ingredients. Creating a business without goals is like being expected to go for a drive in someone's car without knowing the destination of your trip. (You wouldn't step into the car in the first place). Goals require you to be concise, factual and specific with what results you want to achieve in the short and the long term. Once the goals are decided, it's important to remind yourself of your goals either by reading or listening to them daily. Goals are important because they help give you a purpose and result to aim for.Writing your goals once and never referring to them again does not serve you well because your subconscious mind needs to hear a message more than once. If you repeatedly tell your subconscious about your goals you will start to automatically take more specific action naturally to help you achieve them. This is the reason why creating specific and concise goals helps you steer your actions in the right direction and the power of understanding how the mind works helps you to tap into your goals so you are more likely to achieve them.
The discipline of Time Management helps you ensure you have the right focus on the activities that are going to create the most return for your business. Please note, no one can 'manage' time. Its impossible, no one can create more time or less time. We all have to accomplish the most we can do in the 24 hours we are give. It's our attitude and emotions around certain activities that we have to be mindful of.
People say it all the time, 'Oh, I am so busy'. Its easy to be busy and spend hours in front of the computer. A high level example would group all business related activities into two types of activities; sales generating activities and non-sales generating activities. Spending one hour on Facebook would be a non-sales generating activity. Creating an Ad Campaign or creating a Press Release.
You have to keep yourself accountable for the length of time you spend on each activity and how you prioritize them. This may sound like a drag but it's the way you deal with your time that makes or breaks your business. Allocating time for work and play is great because there should be no guilt if you need to have time off from your business because you are sure that you are being extremely productive when you are working.
A Network Marketer needs to have the same intensity, passion and drive to their business as an athlete has in preparing for the Olympics or a high paying CEO of a large company has on the success of their organization. A Network Marketer has to know what they are aiming for, understand what they have to do to achieve their goals and keep themselves accountable for all actions they take to help them deal with challenges and achieve their goals.
Live Beyond Nine to Five mentors serious home based business owners who are struggling to generate sales by providing practical online marketing and leadership skills to create a continual flow of sales online to ensure they never have to go back to a '9 to 5' job ever again.
Register your details for a free ebook Ann Sieg's acclaimed "Attraction Marketing Manifesto" http://snipurl.com/1bzqnu
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